
Powerful Weight Loss Incentives PLUS Free Non Scale Victories Download

Powerful Weight Loss Incentives

Losing weight is very hard if you haven’t created compelling weight loss incentives. A staggering 1 in 5 people that achieve their target weight return to their old habits and some even gain more weight than when they started. A great way to make weight loss easier, fun and certain is to have weight loss incentive ideas that guarantee your success.

weight loss reward chart

  1. How To Make Your Weight Loss Incentive Ideas Matter
  2. Weight Loss Incentive Ideas
  3. Weight Loss Incentives For Couples
  4. Weight Loss Incentives With Friends
  5. Weight Loss Incentives Chart

Your incentives are your fuel to keep you going. Weight loss incentives drive us towards our goals but just like a car, if you don’t provide it with enough fuel, it will not reach it’s desired destination.

Typically people focus on achieving their target weight as quickly as possible so that they can feel good about the way they look and although it is a fair and logical weight loss incentive, it’s not strong enough because:

  1. It is not a clear, precise goal that can be measured easily
  2. People don’t apply enough motivation to the goal
  3. Weighing scales aren’t accurate and often demotivate people

How To Make Your Weight Loss Incentive Ideas Matter

Almost everybody wants to lose weight for emotional reasons and this makes sense but it’s not just because we want to FEEL good about the way we look, it’s deeper than that…

We also want the things that really matter like being more confident, less self-conscious and having less anxiety in all aspects of our life. If you focused on the many emotional reasons you want to lose weight, your weight loss incentives ideas would be more powerful.

Weight Loss Incentive Ideas

The following weight loss incentive ideas are taken from a long list of Non Scale Victories. They can provide you with incredibly powerful motivation and it means that you don’t have to focus on weighing scales or achieving your target weight, your target weight will be reached as a bi-product of fulfilling your weight loss incentives:

1. Do You Want More Money In Your Pocket?

To enrol on a diet plan obviously costs more money right? Wrong.

Investing in a diet plan and being a healthy weight saves you money in the short and long term as being overweight will cost you $30,000 over your lifetime.

2. The Butterfly Effect

This is just about the most virtuous weight loss incentive idea there is because losing weight is contagious. If your family and friends see you transform into a slim, attractive and vibrant person, you will pay a bigger contribution to them than you might think…

You can be the inspiring catalyst for cultural and generational change with the people around and you will be recognized for this butterfly effect.

3. Self-Reliance

Your improved physical condition will make you more reliable to others and you become self-reliant.

This raises your confidence because you can conduct routine tasks independently, with ease, and worries about ill health will start to disappear.

This feeling of self-reliance and independence will give you a deserved feeling of pride.

4. Incredible Sex Life

There are multiple benefits of sex in a relationship or marriage; Improved sleep, stress relief, better bonding, better self-image and overall higher rate of happiness to name but a few.

Sex can be amazing especially when you reach your perfect weight because your body will become beautifully shaped eliminating any self-consciousness and boosting your ability to relax and you have overwhelming potential to enjoy a mutually profound experience in the bedroom.

There is nothing like feeling comfortable and confident whilst naked in the company of your partner, it is a profound and liberating encounter that puts you in control, bonds the relationship and helps you feel complete and secure.

5. Move Towards Bigger And Better Things

Many overweight people find it difficult to go to the gym for time reasons and unfortunately self-conscious reasons.

We would all love to use exercise rather than dieting to reduce our body fat but dieting is the perfect option in the short to medium term if you’re self-conscious or short of time.

As you lose weight you will be more confident, have increased productivity and your potential to achieve a super chiselled look will have expanded, so the gym will be much more appealing.

weight loss incentives for couples

Weight Loss Incentives For Couples Is Easy…(Easier)

There are an abundance of weight loss incentives for couples and it’s much easier because:

  1. You will be eating the same foods
  2. There are less types of groceries to buy
  3. It’s easier to cook 2 identical meals instead of 2 different meals
  4. You have less dishes to wash because you can be on the same diet plan
  5. You have mutual support

Top 5 Weight Loss Incentives For Couples

One of the best things about Weight loss incentives for couples is that you get to decide your weight loss incentives together and it not only gives you something to look forward to, you’re stronger together and it helps bond your relationship. You’re not just losing weight for yourself either and your partner is relying on you to offer support so they succeed so you must lead by example.

weight loss incentives ideas

The following weight loss incentives for couples are stronger if you reflect on them and take action with SMART goals. Take advantage and download the free 28 Non Scale Victories and attached SMART Weight Loss Goals document to track your progress.  

1. You Can Do More Things Together

As you lose weight you will become more physically able and have more energy, opening up the door to more exciting opportunities.

Taking these opportunities together will help to further bond your relationship.

Maybe you could turn it into a reward for your efforts and plan for a romantic skiing holiday together or agree on some other exciting physical adventure.

2. Stronger Relationship

As you lose weight and both start to relax & become more comfortable with your body, sex will become more regular and less of an obligation.

Sex completes a relationship for many reasons, it fulfills a desire, seals the bond, reduces stress and confirms your love for each other.

This provides you with a feeling of security and wholeness.

3. Improved Empathy

You’re both on the same journey so you will have more of an understanding of how each other is feeling…

Sharing your feelings, strengths and weaknesses during your weight loss journey will not only help you both succeed but will also strengthen your relationship.

4. Celebrate Together

Celebrating your wins is much better than celebrating alone particularly as some people tend to shy away from glory having achieved a weight loss victory.

Setting out to accomplish an identical goal will be incredibly rewarding if you do it together. Reward yourselves with a weekend away together or some other agreed reward.

5. Be The Ideal Role Model

Whether you want to or not, you influence the people around you, especially the younger generation.

As you lose weight, carefully share how your relationship and overall health has improved to inspire other to do the same.

weight loss incentives with friends

Weight Loss Incentives With Friends

Weight loss incentives with friends are more powerful than you may think. We’re not as social as we used to be and this has had an effect on many of our personal and social skills.

Having collective weight loss incentives with friends is a great way to regain your social skills, have fun and it’s a powerful strategy to lose weight.

When you’re in it together and able to offer mutual support, empathize and understand each other’s weight loss journey, you’re in a great place to succeed.

1. Competitive Edge

Everybody likes winning and when you involve money or a forfeit you’ll be determined to get that weight off.

If everybody meets their weight loss goal and there is no loser, set stronger goals to optimize weight loss.

2. The Loser Makes or Buys a Meal

This is another great weight loss incentive with friends because you get to socialize more and relax with a satisfaction that you’re losing weight.

3. Improve Your Confidence and reduce self-consciousness

Many overweight people can be self-conscious but when you’re with people that you trust and that have the same goal as you, it gets you out there doing the things you want to do like cycling, running, gym work.

4. Reward Yourselves With a Vacation

Meeting your goals deserves recognition and reward and there’s nothing better than relaxing and having fun with your friends. Whatever you decide doesn’t matter because you are with friends and it’s bound to be fun.

5. Knowledge and Wisdom

You will learn a lot together because you will all make mistakes and gain tremendous wisdom as you go through your weight loss journey, Share you experiences to help each other so that mistakes can be avoided and weight loss can be optimized.

Weight Loss Incentives Chart

A weight loss reward chart is critical as a motivational tool and it’s a fantastic supplement to any diet plan. A weight loss incentive chart will tell you if you are reaching your goals so that you can adjust your goals as necessary to meet your targets. Without a weight loss incentive chart you have no way of measuring your progress and you won’t be able to adjust your plan realistically to meet your goals.

Download the free non scale victories list and weight loss incentives and reward chart now to learn and create more great weight loss incentives ideas and start planning your future without being fat

weight loss reward chart

Non Scale Victories List-Weight Loss Incentives That Guarantee Success

This non scale victories list contains deeply profound weight loss incentives allowing you to create a crystal clear vision of 2 very different paths your life could take with the aim of getting you through and beyond weight loss.

If you are not obese now, there is a over a 40% chance that you will be and carrying this excess weight gets problematic and more complicated as you get older.

To lose weight successfully and for the long term takes more than just following a meal plan and counting calories. This is pretty obvious when you consider that over 80% of dieters fail to achieve long-term weight loss… Most of these dieters lacked willpower!

The Non Scale Victories List Is Completely Free For You To Download…

non scale victories list

  1. What Are Non Scale Victories
  2. Non Scale Victories List
  3. How Does The Non Scale Victories List Work?
  4. The 2 Most Important Questions
  5. What Do I Have To Do?
  6. Diet Plan With Push And Pull Weight Loss Incentives
  7. What If I Don’t Yet Have a Diet Plan
  8. Push Incentives
  9. Pull Incentives
  10. Why It’s Not Your Fault You’re Overweight
  11. Why You Should Download This Free Tool

What Are Non Scale Victories

Non scale victories provide detailed weight loss incentives that strengthen and encourage you to reach your ideal body shape without the need to check your weighing scales.  But here at, we’ve taken it a lot further than that…

Non Scale Victories List

We have developed a non scale victories list using science and intensive research which has been developed to give you the unquestionable belief that as your body changes, all aspects of your life can change too. This life-changing non scale victories list has been made completely free for you to download.

weight loss incentives

How Does The Non Scale Victories List Work?

The Non scale victories list will help you create a new path in your life using powerful weight loss incentives. You will reach your target weight and live a more meaningful and fulfilling lifestyle as a result of your weight loss. Here is an example of just a handful of benefits you will get in your free non scale victories list download:

  • How and why your sex life will improve
  • How and why your family and romantic relationships improve
  • The through-life financial benefits of your weight loss success
  • How and why you will have a better choice of partners
  • How and why you will become popular and admired

The 2 Most Important Questions

In essence, non scale victories beg 2 simple but incredibly important questions of you:

  1. How will my life and the lives of people around me change physically, mentally and emotionally if I don’t commit to losing weight?
  2. How exactly will my life change and what are the financial & through life benefits to me if I commit to losing weight?

Clearly, one of these paths can easily lead to a lifestyle of decreasing potential & increased suffering but the other path leads to a regenerated longer life with high confidence, improved relationships, reduced anxiety, sharper mental focus and high energy. Imagine who you could become with those benefits…It’s a realization of these 2 paths that compel the dieter to lose weight.

non scale victories list

It’s not just that a person with excess weight is highly likely to suffer with anxiety, low confidence and chronic illness, the wonderful thing is realizing the massive lifestyle transformation that can be much more easily attainable by using this non scale victories list.

The answers to the above questions will surprise you because they are so significant that if the dieter can simply visualize the outcomes, they will start to realize meaningful weight loss incentives that no diet pill or surgery can provide.

Non scale victories should be used as part of a 3 pronged strategy that includes a diet plan with push and pull weight loss incentives.

What Do I Have To Do?

Inside the book, you can download a free document to facilitate your weight loss journey. You will be expected to do 3 straightforward exercises:


Read the non scale victories and after each one you must reflect and be able to visualize both outcomes of losing and not losing weight. The importance of reflection can not be overstated, it will keep you focused and aligned with your weight loss journey.


There are instructions on how to set SMART Weight Loss Goals contained within the document. The SMART Weight Loss Goals should not be about setting a target weight, they’re deeper, more inspirational with the aim of expanding your potential and capitalising on your increased capability and competence as a result of your weight loss.   As you progress through your weight loss journey, your potential and confidence will improve and you are encouraged to initiate more SMART Weight Loss Goals.


You are asked to score how well you are progressing with weight loss on a sliding scale. This generates more motivation and reveals more ideas for goals. It’s recommended that you do this on a weekly or 2-weekly basis during your weight loss journey.


non scale victories list

Diet Plan With Push And Pull Weight Loss Incentives

We highly recommend that you have a professional plan done for you rather than doing this yourself. Trying to go it alone without key information about your current state makes your diet wishy-washy and not knowing how much weight you can comfortably & realistically lose over time gives you nothing to aim at.

What If I Don’t Yet Have a Diet Plan

Diet plans are not expensive particularly when you consider the physical, and emotional cost of not losing weight and there are plenty of inexpensive programs or free trials out there that you can download and try instantly. They usually come with support, so there is no need to go it alone and make your weight loss journey hard.

Once you have downloaded your Non Scale Victories list you can get access to a free 7 day Keto Diet Plan or you can simply download it below. has recommended some that are inexpensive, reputable, effective and make dieting easier…

Diet Plans

For fast and effective stress-free keto dieting you can have a diet plan customized specifically to your gender, body type and current activity level.


weight loss incentives

Push Incentives

Nobody likes being pushed to do something because it seems negative. But being pushed can be framed as a powerful weight loss incentive.

I had to push myself to lose weight and my mind gave me a lot of resistance to try and deter me from dieting.

The reason this happened is that I was fearful of missing out on comfort food, fear of having to eat food that I didn’t like and most of all I was scared of failing. Those were irrational thoughts like when I quit smoking, but using fear as a motivator helps push you towards your goals. Using this list as weight loss incentives helped motivate me and avoid failure.

  1. I will become morbidly obese and my confidence will drop
  2. I will have negative thoughts about my body when I look in the mirror
  3. I will feel like I’m a lazy person and have low self-esteem
  4. I will appear less desirable to the opposite sex
  5. I will be at risk of ill health, especially in old age and suffer physically, mentally and financially
  6. I won’t have enough energy to play with my kids or grandkids as much as I’d like, so my kids and I won’t have a strong bond which will make me feel like I could have been a better parent or grandparent
  7. If I remain out of shape, in later years it will be my fault that I will become a liability rather than an asset to my family

The list is endless but visualizing how miserable and degenerative your life may look in the future, they will serve as effective weight loss incentives and you’ll be able to create motivation to take action.

Pull Incentives

When combined with fear, the pull weight loss incentives are by far the most positive motivators that will drive you to achieve meaningful targets far beyond a target weight.

This can be intensified by adding emotion and imagining what it would feel like to get your ideal body shape and how your health can help you enjoy an extended & energetic life.

This is some of the compelling weight loss incentives that help me maintain my weight:

  1. I will be a role model for my kids, leading by example by teaching them to eat well and be healthy. This will reduce the chance of them becoming obese and suffering in their later years
  2. I will live a longer life and still be able to fulfill challenging desires in my more senior years
  3. I will continue to maintain a romantic relationship with my partner
  4. I will be an achiever with higher confidence and a more positive outlook on life. I’ll be a good person to be around
  5. I will be an asset rather than a burden to my family later on in life
    weight loss incentives

Why It’s Not Your Fault You’re Overweight

Let me be clear, in spite of what you may think, the fact you’re overweight is not your fault.

You may have gained weight after having a child or had/have postpartum depression, maybe you have a sedentary job and have no time to exercise.  Weight loss can also be difficult or confusing because nutrition guidelines from some so-called health experts are outdated and no longer fall in line with the everyday lifestyles of ordinary people.

Remember, it is not your fault, you have gained weight BUT it’s time to move on because you are where you are, you are now living in the present moment where you can do something about your future. Learn from the past but do not mull over it, instead, maintain acute focus on moving forwards and what you can achieve.

People don’t lose weight because of one or more of these reasons…

  1. Diet Plan. They don’t have a diet plan or they wing it and simply go low calorie or low carb and rely on willpower and random recipes off the internet.
  2. Weak Weight Loss Incentives. They are only focused on reaching a target weight.
  3. Willpower. They don’t have meaningful goals and haven’t yet realized how significantly their life can change as a result of weight loss success.

If all 3 of these foundations are not in place it’s likely that you will fail and continue to feel miserable about the way you look…

You shouldn’t have to feel this way especially as there are ways and means of making dieting much easier.

The past is in the past and we can change our future by changing the way we think and act in the present moment…

Why You Should Download This Free Tool

Other than it being free and you have nothing to lose, this non scale victories list and complimentary goal setting and progression chart is unique and is a far cry from the weight loss incentives that medical professionals and dieting experts will provide you with.

Medical professionals and nutritional experts will usually only provide you with fear as motivation. We believe that long-term weight loss and lifestyle transformation must be incentivized more positively and the motivation to achieve lifestyle transformation must come from within. This free non scale victories list download will provide you with the ability to create meaningful weight loss incentives and help you avoid the miseries of being overweight or obese.

non scale victories list

Download the free non scale victories list now. Take advantage of your situation by getting your fears behind you and pushing you toward your weight loss victories and visualize exactly what your life could look like if you don’t take action. Use the non scale victories list and the goal-setting document inside to get the transformation that will change your life.

AMDR For Fat: Best Fat Carb Protein Ratio For Weight Loss

Your AMDR for fat matters and unless you know how weight loss works you will not be able to understand how to find your best fat carb and protein ratio for weight loss. There is so much information on the internet and much of it is confusing, inaccurate and only adds to your frustration.

amdr for fat



Here at, we decided to clear things up and simplify fat carb protein ratios and how to work them out so that you are not forced into trusting other people’s weight loss advice but rather, be able to:

First, help you understand why you are gaining weight, Second give you the ability to identify what your current fat carb protein ratio is…

Third, you will have the ability to identify your best fat carb protein ratio for weight loss.

  1. What Is A Fat Carb Protein Ratio?
  2. This Is Why Keto & Paleo Diets Are Highly Effective
  3. What Is A Macronutrient Distribution Range?
  4. What Is An Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range For Adults?
  5. How To Convert The Ratio To Calories
  6. AMDR For Fat
  7. What Is The Best Fat Carb Protein Ratio For Weight Loss?
  8. How To Work Out The Best Fat Carb Protein Ratio For Weight Loss
  9. Easy Way To Work Out The Best Fat Carb Protein Ratio For Weight Loss
  10. Am I Carb Protein Efficient?

What Is A Fat Carb Protein Ratio?

Fat carbs and protein are all called macronutrients; there are only 3 macronutrients in total. Therefore, almost everything you eat or drink has at least one of those 3 macronutrients.

We refer to these macronutrients as a ratio and express them as a percentage. For example, if you eat a meal containing 30% carbs, 30% protein and 40% fat-these would be your fat carb protein food ratio.

This Is Why Keto & Paleo Diets Are Highly Effective

Apart from the nutrients in our food, all 3 macronutrients contain a certain amount of energy expressed as calories and they burn off at different rates. This is why the old sweeping statement of ‘calories in equals calories out’ is shallow and oversimplified and it’s one of the reasons why diets like Keto and Paleo have become very successful because they take this into consideration.

A gram of carbohydrates has fewer calories than a gram of fat, so you should eat more carbohydrates and less fat right? WRONG! Only by understanding carbohydrates will you learn how to reduce your blood sugar and belly fat.

Food ratio’s can also be described as a macronutrient distribution range.

What Is A Macronutrient Distribution Range?

A Macronutrient Distribution Range adds flexibility to your food ratio and a typical meal would look something like this: Carbs-45-60%, Protein 10-35% and Fat 20-35%. This means that you would get 45-60% of your calories/energy (Kcal) from carbs, 10-35% of your calories/energy from protein and 20-35% of your calories/energy from fat.

What Is An Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) For Adults?

The Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine recommends the following macronutrient distribution range:

  • Carbohydrate (45%-65% of energy)
  • Protein (10%-35% of energy)
  • Fat (20%-35% of energy but with limited saturated and trans fats)

One of the reasons why this is a ‘Range’ instead of a definitive percentage is that not everyone will lose weight with the same macronutrient distribution range because metabolisms vary from person to person.

macronutrient recommendations



It’s also very important to know that this range is more likely to maintain your current weight rather than reduce it.

This is why high protein, high fat, low carb diets like keto work so well. Keto minimizes carbohydrates intake in your diet so that fat and protein become your main energy source. There are no calories from carbohydrates to burn off because there aren’t any there so your body is forced to burn off fat.

This table taken from the British Government Health Website gives the recommended ranges taking into consideration age and sex.

What Percentage Of Calories Should Come From Fat

Using the AMDR above you can see that the standard recommendation is 20-35% but this will not apply to everybody. If you were to go on a keto diet your percentage could be much higher but with a reduced percentage of carbohydrates.

How To Convert The Ratio To Calories

Each gram of macronutrient has a certain value of calories.  If you look at this example of a fat protein efficient meal you will understand how it works very easily:

Fat Protein Efficient Meal Conversion Example

AMDR For Fat

Understanding how fat works as energy is very powerful if you want to lose weight. Fat was once dubbed the demon of weight gain, we have now come to understand how we can use fat as our main energy source to lose weight very quickly and in a much more healthy way.

Carbohydrates and in particular ‘simple’ carbohydrates are now proven to be the main culprit of weight gain and it’s because once you consume them, you have to burn them off right away or they get stored as fat!

We’ve discussed that an AMDR will vary from person to person depending on your metabolism but it will also depend on your goals.

Assuming that it is weight loss that you want to achieve, it is highly likely that your AMDR for fat would need to be comparatively high but at the same time you would need to lower your AMDR for carbohydrates since carbohydrates are often the culprit for weight gain.

There would be no point in having a high AMDR for fat and a high AMDR for carbohydrates because you would be asking your body to burn off too many calories in a short period of time.

What Is The Best Fat Carb Protein Ratio For Weight Loss

This is a subjective question and answer, so the best way to start would be to go with a Macronutrient Distribution Range as discussed above and ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you tend to be more satisfied with food that is low in carbohydrates?
  2. Do you snack with savory food rather than sweet and do you get routinely hungry?
  3. Would you rather have a big meal and eat until you are full?
  4. Does a food high in carbohydrates make you feel sluggish?

If you answered yes to these questions then you would likely be suited to an AMDR that is high in protein and fat but low in carbohydrates such as Carbs 10-30%, Protein 20-30% and Fat 40-60%.

macronutrient recommendations

How To Work Out The Best Fat Carb Protein Ratio For Weight Loss

You can determine the best fat carb protein ratio for weight loss by working out how many grams of each macronutrient you are consuming.

  1. Convert the grams of each macronutrient into calories to determine your daily calorie intake
  2. From this, you can identify the percentage value of energy for each macronutrient.
  3. Substitute a percentage of carbohydrates with fat/protein.
  4. Lets do the math for a 2000 calorie diet

Easy Way To Work Out The Best Fat Carb Protein Ratio For Weight Loss

The easiest way to find out is to take a keto quiz because this will get you your ideal range for weight loss. It will also tell you your macronutrient range for weight loss without losing muscle tissue. You will be asked to provide simple details such as height, weight, activity level etc. At the end of the FREE quiz you will be provided with your ideal fat, carb and protein ratio AND you will know how much weight you can expect to lose in one month.

>>>Take The Quiz And Get A Free 7 Day Plan HERE<<<


Take the time to understand what works best for you. It will be time-consuming in the short term but it will pay off in the long term and it beats yo-yo dieting for the rest of your life. Once you understand which is the best fat carb protein ratio for weight loss is, it can only lead to happy places.

If you don’t have time to do the math or you find it to be an utter headache, why not try a keto diet as a starting point. Keto diet plans are usually free to get started and if for some reason it does not work out for you, it will not have cost you any money and you will not only learn more about macronutrients, you will be closer at defining what your ideal fat carb protein ratio is.

fat carb protein ratio for weight loss

How To Tell You Are Fat Protein Efficient: Plus AMDR For Fat

Why Some Keto Dieters Have More Weight Loss Than Others…The Answer Might Surprise You…

Knowing if you are Fat Protein Efficient is a fortunate advantage for weight loss. But for everyone wanting to lose or manage your weight, knowing your AMDR For Fat, Protein and Carbs means you can actually make a decision with confidence about the type of food ratio that will suit you best instead of just guessing.

  1. You Must Know Your AMDR
  2. What Is Fat Protein Efficient?
  3. Are You Fat Protein Efficient?
  4. Protein To Energy Ratio
  5. AMDR For Fat
  6. Converting Calories To Grams
  7. Fat Protein Efficient Diets
  8. What If I’m Not Fat Protein Efficient?
  9. Avoiding Diet Failure

Most people battle with weight loss all of their lives even the doctors that preach it and as we get older it can very easily become a much bigger problem leading to anxiety, depression and heart disease. It doesn’t help that the general guidelines for weight loss are outdated.

It’s understandable that people struggle to have time to manage their weight, owing to the way our lifestyles have evolved. Most Mom’s are exceptionally busy with a career pressure and children but their selfless attitude creates alot of undeserved frustration because they sacrifice their own health in place of others and going up dress sizes is depressing.

A mother can go from a size 8 to a size 16 very quickly after childbirth and postpartum can be teriible. Fathers are much the same (substitute childbirth for career pressure and dresses for pants).

But we now have more healthy and nutritious ways of omitting our frustrations and regaining our deserved health because of revolutionary macronutrient based diets like keto, paleo and there are other more simple diets that are more time efficient and can be just as effective. Done for you diet plans are inexpensive, available digitally so there is a diet out there for everyone. However, some macronutrient based diets work exceptionally well for some but they’re not as effective for others. Why?…

You Must Know Your AMDR

If you have the time to work out and know your AMDR (Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range) you can create an effective diet plan and experience long-term weight loss, reaping all of the life-changing benefits that go with being a healthy weight and having a desirable body shape.

However, creating a diet plan is hard and guessing will almost certainly result in prolonged frustration, mood swings, low energy and resulting in diet failure. If you are going it alone on a fat-protein-based diet and creating your own plan, you will still need good professional resources but there’s no need to break the bank.

Kelly Herring, founder of ‘Healing Gourmet’ has written professional and inspiring breads, desserts and one pot-gourmet meal recipe books which are keto and paleo friendly and they’re available as hard copy or digital downloads.

Knowing if you have a fat protein efficient body is a revelation because we can determine our AMDR ratio and be able to create a diet that will give us positive weight loss results.

fat protein efficient



What Is Fat Protein Efficient?

All of our meals are made up of 3 different macronutrients in the AMDR called Fat, Protein and Carbohydrates. Being fat protein efficient means that you will burn your calories efficiently with notably higher calories from fat and protein but carbohydrates would be relatively low in your diet. Keto is a fat-protein based diet

Are You Fat Protein Efficient?

This depends on your metabolism and there is no test that can 100% determine your metabolism type. That said, there are good indicators of knowing if you are fat protein efficient which include:

  • You prefer to go for and get more satisfied with meals that have fewer carbohydrates
  • You enjoy savory snacks and get routinely hungry
  • You love to eat fuller meals and you don’t stop eating until you are full
  • Carbohydrates like pasta dishes make you feel lethargic

Protein To Energy Ratio 

If you are designing your own diet plan, it’s important to know how many calories are in each macronutrient so that you can estimate how much of each macronutrient you need each day because to lose weight you must be in a calorie deficit. For example, if you are on a 2000-calorie diet, using the figures and the food ratio below, you will be able to calculate exactly how much of each you need.

If you invest in a diet plan this is usually taken care of for you, they’re inexpensive and it can save you lots of time and math headaches.

  1. A Gram of Fat has 9 calories
  2. A Gram of Protein has 4 calories (protein to energy ratio is 1:4)
  3. A Gram of Carbohydrate has 4 calories

Yes, this seems very complicated but platforms like the Custom Keto Diet Plan map all of this out for you so you don’t need to do the math.

AMDR For Fat

The AMDR for fat in simple terms is the number of calories that you should consume in fat to achieve your goals. Your goals might be to lose weight, gain weight or even maintain the weight that you already have. That said, all of your macronutrients play a role in your goals and are interdependent. Not understanding this is one of the main reasons why people don’t lose weight.

It is common for people to think that by cutting out fat, they will not get fat but it is proven that this has the opposite effect. Often people replace their diet of fat with carbohydrates, their blood sugar skyrockets and the energy from that blood sugar gets stored as fat very quickly.

Therefore knowing what your AMDR for fat, carbs and protein are will optimise your weight loss especially when you are on a fat-protein diet. A good keto plan will work this out for you.

fat protein efficient



Food Ratio or AMDR For A Fat Protein Efficient Diet

AMDR is the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range. Government guidelines and health experts recommend a certain range but clearly this does not work for everyone. It’s just a standard ratio that’s started to feel a little outdated and potentially flawed.

We are unique, complex and we have varied metabolisms so we need an AMDR or food ratio to first of all lose weight and then adjust the AMDR to maintain a long-term healthy weight once we are satisfied with our body shape.

A fat protein efficient meal would look like this:

  • 40% Fat
  • 30% Protein
  • 30% Carbohydrates*

*Notice the fairly low level of carbohydrates. Keto can go as low as 5% carbs and fat loss would be incredibly effective.

Fat Protein Efficient Meal Conversion Example

Converting Calories To Grams

fat protein efficient

It’s a fairly simple process to work out your ratio for protein, fat and carbs but it is incredibly time consuming and frustrating because once you have managed to choose a macronutrient ratio that would suit you, you would still need to research recipes. You would be much better off having the plan done for you.

Foods within a fat protein efficient diet plan might include:

  • Oily Fish: Red Slamon, Sardines, Tuna, Mackerel
  • Lean Pork such as loin
  • Full Fat Dairy: Butter, cream, cheese, yogurt
  • Oils: Coconut oil, avocado, olive and MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides)
  • Complex Carbs: Kale, Broccoli, Spinach, Cauliflower
  • Legumes, Nuts, Seeds
  • Offal: Liver
  • Eggs

If these foods don’t inspire you don’t worry because diet plans have gone extremely far to suit the needs of each individual and you can actually get a custom plan based on your favorite foods. You are also able to eliminate the foods that you don’t like.

Fat Protein Efficient Diets

If you are fat protein efficient the following types of diets are likely to work for you and all require you to consume similar food products:

Keto (70,10,20)*

Hands down this is the best and most effective diet since Atkins and the results speak for themselves. A typical food ratio for this diet as described in Harvard SOPH would be Fat: 70%, Carbs: 10%, Protein: 20%. This is a very high-fat diet because it is necessary for your body to adopt a state of ketosis. More on the types of keto diet here.

Atkins (60, 10,30)

According to Atkins, the food ratio is Fat: 60-70%, Carbs: 5-10%, Protein: 20-30%.

Paleo (40,30,30)*

Harvard states that a Paleo diet food ratio is Fat: 40%, Carbs: 30%, Protein: 30%.

*Although the Keto and Paleo diet may have the same or a similar food ratio, Keto restricts starchy carbs, certain sugary fruits, sweeteners and grains.

What If I’m Not Fat Protein Efficient?

That’s ok. Being fat protein efficient means that you are a fast oxidizer and it’s likely you have a high metabolism. If you are carb efficient you would be a slow oxidizer with a low metabolism and there are so many other diets out there like the 21-Day Smoothie Diet

Keto would still work for you but you would have a higher ratio of carbs.

Avoiding Diet Failure

You definitely need a custom diet plan or at least some kind of plan. If you are not certain which diet is best for you my advice is to go with the diet that you think would suit you best. Many diets have free trials so you can try them before you buy and therefore have nothing to lose.

fat protein efficient

Don’t make the mistake of floundering, it’s very important that you make a decision to start your weight loss journey. Making a decision is way better than making no decision at all because at least you are moving forwards and learning what is or what isn’t best for you. That’s progress and without it you won’t lose weight!

Shark Tank Keto Pills Reviews + FREE Custom Keto Diet Plan

Disturbing Facts About Shark Tank Weight Loss Products

Shark Tank Keto Pills Reviews are appalling but why?

Some advertisers are claiming that entrepreneurs are endorsing shark tank weight loss products but here at, we’re gonna save you the embarrassment and your hard-earned cash with 4 things;

1. Why You Should Avoid Shark Tank Diet Pills

2. Groundbreaking Keto Diet Pills that make a keto diet easy and affordable…

3. 10 Reasons Why You Should Have A Custom Keto Diet Plan and give you access to a FREE 7-day Custom Keto Diet Plan so you can be sure to meet your weight loss goals and eat tasty delicious meals whilst you’re losing body fat.

4. Advice With A Choice

shark tank keto pills reviews

“Here at we’re gonna expose the myths and share the best keto diet pills and point you to a FREE 7-Day Custom Keto Diet plan so you can start losing weight easily and with confidence”

1. Why You Should Avoid Shark Tank Diet Pills

Keto is just about the best diet there is because weight loss is fast. Keto should work for anybody but it isn’t as simple as just quitting carbs and there are shallow advertisers making things worse for consumers.

Before we get on to the staggering benefits of keto diet pills and what the best ones are, take the time to understand why people like you and I can get conned by unethical advertisers. We need to be careful because some are claiming that products like keto shark tank pills have been endorsed by entrepreneurs when in fact, they haven’t!

Shark Tank Weight Loss Reviews

There are some fantastic diet pills and for most people, they actually work. But if you have done your research like we have here, you will have noticed something about the shark tank weight loss reviews…they’re poor!!

What is happening is that some advertisers are claiming that various types of keto diet pills were recommended by entrepreneurs. Customers have bought substandard keto diet pills on the back of these claims and the reviews tended to be pretty bad. In a nutshell, shark tank weight loss reviews exist but the products were promoted on the back of false claims about shark tank recommendations.

Shark Tank Weight Loss Products

There is a grand total of ‘ONE’ edible weight loss product from the hit TV show Shark Tank and it happens to be some kind of chocolate nut spread that’s ‘keto friendly’. None of the entrepreneurs have endorsed any other shark tank weight loss product but consumers bought various substandard keto diet pills and then shark tank weight loss reviews were born. There have been weight loss accessories and they are here.

How Did Keto Shark Tank Keto Pills Emerge?

Myths around keto shark tank pills may have come about by accident, lazy marketing or perhaps by a more sinister method of unethical advertising. An unethical advertiser will make false claims to boost the appeal of shark tank weight loss products to make money. Sad but true.

“Our advice is, to avoid any shark tank weight loss products and you will avoid lining the pockets of lazy unethical advertisers selling you junk” 

2. Groundbreaking Keto Diet Pills

The Facts About Keto Diet Pills

This is what a good keto diet pill should do for you:

  • Get you into ketosis fast so you start burning body fat very quickly
  • Give you clear mental focus. A lack of carbohydrates often reduces your mental focus until you get used to keto. Some Keto diet pills aid cognitive function so that you can think more clearly
  • Boost your athletic endurance and increase your energy by up to 225%
  • Combat inflammation easing aches and pains
  • Suppress your appetite. This is particularly important as it can keep you in ketosis
  • Improve your sleep increasing the following day’s productivity
  • Strip body fat-Fast. You can lose up to 30 pounds of body fat in 1 month!

Trying to speed up ketosis without a keto diet pill can be hard because you have to deal with:

  1. Cravings for carbohydrates
  2. Reduced mental focus
  3. Low energy levels
  4. Loss of willpower.

All of these complications together with the myths like the shark tank keto pills can lower your confidence in diet pills, remove your positive energy towards your diet and your willpower just gets sapped.

Will Keto Diet Pills Work If I Am Not On A Keto Diet?

There are a growing number of fantastic keto pills out there that kick starts ketosis fast and targets the cravings and energy loss you get with a keto diet and some of these pills work without you actually being on a keto diet but for some people, they won’t work or the results will not be as fast.

For example, if you are NOT on a keto diet and you are sensitive to carbohydrates and have a slow metabolism, your body will still find it very difficult to go into ketosis and start burning fat.

On the other hand, if you are not very sensitive to carbohydrates and have a fast metabolism, you may lose weight quite easily whilst taking a keto diet pill. It’s a risk and it’s probably the main reason why keto diet pills get mixed reviews.

3. 10 Reasons Why You Should Have A Custom Keto Diet Plan

  1. It’s a Massive Time Saver. Ask yourself how much time you have to spare in your day…Researching recipes is a time-consuming, increasingly tedious and flawed exercise. The average person does not have time to relax let alone plan tasty weight loss meals and would much rather spend time with their children or relax after a hard day’s work.
  2. It Works Out Your Macros. Macronutrients are the keystone to considerable weight loss but working them out is a math headache. A custom keto diet plan takes your macros into consideration so you don’t have to do the math.
  3. It Includes The Food You Love. This is crucial to sustaining a keto diet because all of the recipes that you get will be mouth-watering tasty so you don’t get bored and you actually love the food you eat.
  4. You Can Avoid The Food You Hate. When you set up your plan you can highlight the food you don’t like so that they are not part of your meals.
  5. You Can Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals. If you don’t know what a realistic goal is, how can you set a realistic weight loss goal? We can’t just set arbitrary goals and expect to achieve them if we haven’t got a plan that has been set by professionals. With a Custom keto Diet Plan you can set realistic goals of say 10 pounds per week and be able to measure your progress and adjust it to improve.
  6. It’s Designed By Professionals And Customised For You. A good Custom Keto Diet Plan should be designed by personal trainers, nutritionists and chefs with the primary aim of helping you achieve massive weight loss.
  7. You Look Forward To Tasty Delicious Meals. They are tasty and delicious to make sure that you enjoy your diet so it doesn’t feel like you’re quitting your favorite food.
  8. The Diet Plan Is Relatively Cheap. If you were to get a private plan from a nutritionist it could cost hundreds, even thousands of dollars over your weight loss journey. A Custome Keto Diet Plan is a fraction of that cost and you can even get a free trial so that you’re not out of pocket if you decide it’s not for you.
  9. It’s A Long-Term Education. You will learn what is good for YOUR weight loss and what is bad and after a period of time you will be able to design your own meal plan.
  10. You Can Educate And Inspire Your Family. More and more children are becoming obese and they can take their obesity or poor food choices into adulthood and become obese. With your guidance, you can show them how to avoid weight gain with tasty nutritious food, and healthier prospects for their future and their children’s future.

“Our advice is to take a quiz for the custom keto diet plan and with the pills your weight loss will be incredibly easy, especially in the early stages”

If You Decide To Go It Alone

Sure you could go it alone without a keto diet pill because people can, but statistically, it’s unlikely that you will be able to sustain weight loss in the long term. Many people lose a tremendous amount of weight in the short term but as the cravings build and the mental focus declines the diet starts to become unsustainable and you can easily lose a week of ketosis by giving in to carbs for just one snack.

4. Advice With A Choice

  1. Keto Diet Pill Without A Keto Diet Plan. As explained above it is subjective whether or not you will lose weight. It depends on your metabolism and sensitivity to carbs. If your metabolism is high or fast, you should experience weight loss but you will only be able to rely on a pill which is not a good long-term strategy unless you’re happy to rely on pills for the rest of your life.
  2. Custom Keto Diet Plan Without A Keto Diet Pill. This is a great option because all of the hard work is done for you. Your recipes and goal setting make keto very easy for you and save you bags of time and stress. Check this FREE 7-Day Keto Diet Plan HERE
  3. Custom Keto Diet Plan With A Keto Diet Pill. This is the gold-plated solution for short-term massive weight loss and long-term steady weight control. Both of these can be dropped once you are happy that your keto lifestyle is steady and you’ve achieved your ideal weight.
  4. Keto Diet Without A Plan And No Keto Diet Pills. This is a bad strategy because not only is it hard work and a willpower killer, you will not know what keto regime suits you best. That can lead to under-eating or over-eating and long-term weight loss is almost impossible.

Take Action Now

If you’re serious about losing weight fast I strongly advise that you choose one of the first 3 options above unless you have the time to research the complexities of a long-term keto strategy yourself. Keto is the best diet that’s been around but it isn’t easy unless you make a FULL commitment to your weight loss.

By committing to a surefire way to lose pounds of body fat, it will change the way you look. Your confidence will grow and when you look in the mirror you will start to feel great about yourself and that can only lead to positive happy places.

Keto Kit Diet Reviews: Plus Is Keto Kit VIP Fuel King?

Keto Kit Diet-If You Fail To Plan, You Plan To Fail

The vast majority of failed keto dieters will often blame their diet. They ‘tried’ this and ‘tried’ that but the diet didn’t work for them. Many of them will have tried going it alone and going through the time-consuming and eventually mindnumbing process of trying to find keto recipes from the internet. This is a terrible strategy especially if they have a complete disregard for macronutrients because without knowing your required carbohydrate intake, ketosis will either be very difficult to adopt or cravings will be too overwhelming to stave off.

  1. The Difference Between SUCCESS And FAILURE
  2. The Essential Keto Kit Diet Strategy
  3. No Nonsense Way To Succeed With Keto
  4. What Is A Keto Kit Diet Plan?
  5. How Do I Apply For A Keto Kit Diet Plan?
  6. Keto Kit VIP Fuel
  7. Keto Kit VIP Fuel Reviews
  8. What Has Replaced Keto Kit VIP Fuel?
  9. When Should I Use A Keto Diet Pill To Lose Weight?

keto kit diet

Speak to almost all successful keto dieters and you will find out that they had ups and downs, they may have been in and out of ketosis but their persistence paid off.

They were inspired and determined to succeed and live a much more healthy and more fulfilling lifestyle regardless of the cost. They realized the benefits to them and the people around them as they started to shed their excess weight. Have you spotted the difference between success and failure yet?…

The Difference Between SUCCESS And FAILURE

The overarching difference between success and failure is that the people that succeed have a strategy and the people that fail either don’t have a strategy or they make one up and hope that it will work. A staggering 80% of dieters fail to achieve long-term weight loss and it’s highly likely that they didn’t have a good strategy.

The Essential Keto Kit Diet Strategy

Without a good strategy, you ask too much of your willpower-the cravings for carbohydrates, low energy and not getting the results you want, can very easily take you from disappointment to rock bottom and losing faith in weight loss altogether and it sucks. A weight loss strategy for any diet, particularly a keto diet is crucial but if you follow this list you will be successful.

  1. Know what you’re going to be eating for the next 7 days. That doesn’t mean burning up your free time identifying recipes on the internet and trying to decide what you fancy to eat. This will kill your enthusiasm so fast it will make your hair curl and you must avoid it like the plague. A good keto diet plan should provide you with a grocery list for the entire week. Ideally you should do grocery shopping online, saving you more time and preserving your enthusiasm.
  2. Know Your Macronutrient Requirement or AMDR. This will vary from person to person depending on your age, how active you are and your weight loss goals. If you’re not on a plan this can be worked out with some calculations but you will also need to know your Body Mass Index and how many calories you burn each day so that you may know your calorie deficit. A good 7 day free keto diet plan is here.
  3. Are you motivated enough? This is arguably the most important part of your diet strategy. Many keto dieters fail because they set a short-term goal of achieving a target weight and nothing else beyond it. This short-sighted approach is an easy mistake to make and is a huge problem because when you reach your target weight you will have nothing else to aim at so maintaining your new weight is very difficult. Most people regain their weight with a little extra and it is disappointing, embarrassing and above all-soul-destroying.

You shouldn’t have to feel this way, Keto doesn’t have to be a difficult diet.  With the right strategy, weight loss isn’t just easy, it’s inevitable…

No Nonsense Way To Succeed With Keto

It’s like most things life-if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Once you fail, you either start yo-yo dieting or start looking at other diets and inevitably the same thing happens which compounds your lack of belief in weight loss. The truth is, your keto diet WILL work IF you approach it with a good plan.

What Is A Keto Kit Diet Plan?

A keto diet plan for some unknown reason seems to have adopted the name ‘keto kit diet’. A good keto kit diet plan does all of the hard work and plans all of your meals for you, so may be fully prepared for your weight loss journey without having to put your essential energy and motivation into doing the prep.

Sure you could do the research yourself if you have the time and patience, but having a custom plan done for you is much easier than spending hours on the internet researching recipe plans every day.

To prepare 1 week of keto meals means you would have to find 21 keto meals not including snacks or desserts. That is alot of work just for one week and it’s a strategy destined for failure. Some of the benefits of a Custom Keto Kit Diet Plan include:

  1. Makes Your Life Easier. Giving you ‘keto-friendly’ recipes that you can make at home fast and easy
  2. Favorite Foods. Gives you tasty ‘fat burning’ recipes based on your favorite preferred foods so you learn how to make tasty meals with your favorite foods
  3. Goal Setting. Allows you to set simple weight loss goals so you have something to look forwards to and work towards.

How To Identify A Good Quality Keto Kit Diet Plan?

keto kit diet

Keto is much easier than people make out. There is a very good chance that the people that tell you it’s hard, never had a plan or strategy and they unknowingly made it hard for themselves. Dieting can be hard enough so don’t make a diet any harder than it has to be and if you find one that offers support that’s a bonus.

Keto Kit VIP Fuel

Although it has been replaced with what seems like a much more effective keto diet supplement called Ketofit Pro, Keto Kit VIP Fuel was an effective weight loss pill that was designed to provide considerable support to your keto diet, making weight loss easier and faster. Some of the benefits included:

  1. Appetite Suppression.  It reduces your cravings for carbohydrates
  2. Boosts your energy.  Your energy is increased because the rate of fat burning for energy is increased
  3. Increases mental clarity. Lack of carbohydrates reduces mental focus but diet supplements like Keto Fit Pro can make your mental clarity razor sharp.

Keto Kit VIP Fuel Reviews

When Keto Kit VIP was released it seemed to be available everywhere. Keto Kit VIP Fuel Reviews were actually quite good but since then the market has moved on and been busy producing more competitive keto supplements and Keto Kit VIP and Keto Kit VIP Fuel seem to have dropped off. It is likely that they simply couldn’t compete with newer, better keto supplements.

What Has Replaced Keto Kit VIP Fuel?

There are loads of keto diet supplements and some are pretty bad but inevitably the better ones like Keto Fit Pro and these other BHB supplements have made their way to the front end of the market. They seem to review incredibly well which is probably why they drown out their substandard former competitors.

Here at we’re dedicated to getting keto dieters the Keto Support they need so we’ve done reviews on what we think are the latest and best ones out there. Check out this Keto BHB Diet Supplement Comparison HERE.

When Should I Use A Keto Diet Pill To Lose Weight?

Ideally you should be on a keto diet plan and be sticking to it rigidly. If you’re serious about losing weight this should not be too much of a problem but do not expect it to be plain sailing all of the time. Any diet takes commitment not hope, and if you’re committed you will lose weight but you will have ups and downs, particularly at the start as you get used to the new macronutrient intake but this will ease as you adapt.


This should not be too much of a problem because a keto diet plan will tell you exactly what you need so your body should find it relatively easy to adjust.

Therefore, for optimum results take keto diet pills whilst on a keto diet. That said, some keto brands claim you can take pills without the diet but do not expect your results to be as good if you are consuming copious amounts of carbohydrates. Remember ketosis burns fat for energy instead of carbs and if you have excess carbs, you will have excess ‘potential’ energy and it’s unlikely that this will be burned off.

Having the right keto kit diet plan and Keto Fit Pro to support you will make your weight loss easy. The truth is that most people that look their best through weight loss will actually feel their best and when you’re getting compliments from people that are acknowledging how great you look, your confidence will skyrocket beyond your expectations.

keto kit diet


Keto Fit Pro: The Comeback That Boasts 15 Pounds Of Fat Loss In 1 Week

KETO FIT PRO: Review And Comparison

Keto Fit Pro sometimes spelled Ketofit Pro is a powerful supplement to support rapid weight loss by rapidly burning vast amounts of body fat in a short period of time.

  1. Why Are Keto Fit Pro Diet Pills So Effective?
  2. Keto Fit Pro Reviews
  3. Ketofit Scam
  4. Keto Fit Pro Shark Tank-Don’t Be Fooled

Why Are Keto Fit Pro Diet Pills So Effective?

A keto diet is hard to maintain but taking a keto diet pill has these powerful benefits:

  1. Appetite Suppression. One of the reasons a keto diet is hard is that people give in to cravings for carbohydrates. If you take carbohydrates, you will slip out of ketosis, which can set you back at least 1 week. With appetite suppression, you don’t get the cravings which are why these types of pills work so well.
  2. Energy Boost. Without carbohydrates, you feel tired all of the time but with at least 800mg BHB in a keto diet pill, the energy boost that these types of pills give you (by burning your body fat), you are naturally more active which catapults the burning of body fat.
  3. Burns Fatty Acids. Fatty acids are absorbed into the blood and increase your risk of heart disease or stroke.
  4. Releases Fat Storage. Our bodies have been conditioned to burn carbohydrates instead of fat. KetoFit Pro releases these fat stores so that it is able to be burned off through ketosis.
  5. Suppresses Cravings. . Often people crave carbohydrates because we’ve been conditioned to use them as energy. Ketofit Pro reduces cravings so that you avoid snacks or cheat meals.
  6. Other benefits include boosting your immunity and your sex drive. LEARN MORE HERE

Keto Fit Pro Reviews

When Ketofit Pro first came out reviews were mediocre at best since it’s comeback with a new formula reviews have improved dramatically.

If the reviews are genuine (I have no reason to think otherwise) then it is a powerful keto product boasting rapid weight loss results that is worth considering. Ketofit pro appears to be very confident as they are offering a free trial by giving away 1 month’s supply and they claim you can lose 15 Pounds in the first week.

Generally, some consumer reviews can be flawed and it’s difficult to tell which ones are genuine. Negative reviews could be because consumers are not taking them as directed and it’s easy to become cynical about positive reviews. The only way to know if it works is to try them out.

Remember that the best way to lose and maintain a healthy weight is to change your lifestyle or be on a sustainable healthy diet. Ketofit Pro is for you if you cannot (at the moment) change your lifestyle or you are having problems with staying in ketosis.

Ketofit Scam

Some people claim there was a ketofit scam but it wasn’t really a scam because the pills worked, it was unethical marketing by third parties.

The reason behind ketofit scam claims was that ketofit was advertised as having been endorsed by celebrities when in fact it hadn’t. Ketofit hadn’t been in breach of ethical marketing but other marketers had.

Keto Fit Pro Shark Tank-Don’t Be Fooled

The ketofit scam was brought about by misinformation. Dodgy marketers and advertisers were using the celebrity’s names from the hit show ‘Shark Tank’.

Third-party advertisers were basically boosting sales of diet pills by advertising them as ‘Keto Fit Pro Shark Tank Diet Pills’ or ‘Keto Fit Pro as seen on Shark Tank’ as if they had been recommended by celebrity entrepreneurs.

They were never even on the Shark Tank show and there was a backlash from the celebrities.

All of the links on this site go directly to the original companies. More of the Shark Tank Keto Diet products here.

IMPORTANT: To enjoy the benefits of rapid fat loss, Keto Fit Pro or the better variants must be taken whilst on a strict keto diet.

Keto BHB reviews: Learn The Truth

Keto BHB Reviews-The Best Keto Boosters & The Ones You MUST Avoid

Unless you’re able to remain fully committed to a keto diet, ketosis can be problematic and coming out of ketosis is frustrating particularly as it can take days, sometimes weeks to return to the fat-burning process.

The constant cravings for carbohydrates and low energy are indicators of a poor diet plan and can cause people to give up! Lifestyle.

Here at we inspected True Garcinia Cambogia Reviews, Shark Tank Keto Diet & Keto BHB reviews and checked companies for credibility so you don’t have to. Some findings were incredible and others disgusting…

  1. Best Diet Pill Garcinia Cambogia
  2. Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia
  3. Best Keto BHB Pills For Weight Loss
  4. The Ultra Fast Keto Boost-30 Pounds of Fat!!!
  5. Keto BHB Pills-What is BHB?
  6. Is Keto BHB Safe?
  7. Best Keto BHB Pills
  8. Shark Tank Keto-Disgusting Discovery
  9. Diet Pill Garcinia

Best Diet Pill Garcinia Cambogia

Boosting your energy and suppressing your appetite with the Best Keto BHB Pills or Garcinia Cambogia puts you back in control because these weight loss revelations give you the opportunity to invest in guaranteed rapid weight loss without cravings and they give you masses of energy with powerful fast results.

Nobody wants to get ripped off and when products offer a 90 day money back guarantee you tend to feel more confident and perhaps willing to try them out. Red Light Alt came in at number 1, not just because it’s 95% HCA but the company prides itself on putting its customers first.

Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia

  • High levels of Hydroxy Citric Acid
  • Blocks Fat Cells
  • Appetite Control
  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Improves Sleep
  • Revitalizes Energy & Mood

Best Keto BHB Pills For Weight Loss

Ketofit Pro has made a comeback and the reviews are incredible and much better than when they first launched. They seem very confident with their improved product and they’re doing a promotional FREE Trial giving away 1 Free bottle. They claim you can lose a colossal 15 pounds in the first week and the reviews support these claims!!

Additional benefits seem extraordinary ranging from better mental clarity to improved sex life. We reviewed their product HERE and you can learn more about it HERE.

keto bhb reviews


The Ultra Fast Keto Boost-30 Pounds of Fat!!!

There are hundreds of great weight loss supplements out there like garcinia cambogia, keto BHB pills, and an ultra fast keto boost will make ketosis almost instant.

Your keto diet is so much easier with these boosters and it’s not uncommon to be stripping up to 1 pound of pure body fat each day-that’s 30 pounds of fat from your body each month without cravings or low energy!

Keto BHB Pills-What is BHB?

When fat is broken down, BHB is released as an energy source for our body. Normally our body uses glucose from carbohydrates but science has learned that our traditional addiction to carbs has given us a weight problem.

Take away the carbs, go keto with supplement support and you have rapid fat burning by ketosis!

What Are Keto BHB Pills?

Keto BHB pills are a super-advanced weight loss supplement designed to get you burning fat faster and easier than any other form of diet or exercise. They should be taken to supplement your keto diet, help you reach ketosis fast and give you high levels of energy whilst suppressing your appetite.

That high energy you have comes from body fat being burned on overdrive!

Keto BHB Reviews

Keto BHB reviews can be mixed depending on the brand. Here at, we’ve filtered out the less reputable brands and only the reasonably priced keto BHB pills that received exceptional Keto BHB Reviews by consumers have made the cut.

Is Keto BHB Safe?

It depends on the brand but generally speaking, yes, keto BHB pills are safe and if you take them as directed and you are in good health you should be fine.

With some less reputable brands, the devil is in the detail meaning that you should sift through the personal customer reviews and make an informed decision and that can be a tedious process.

That’s why we’ve done the heavy lifting of research for you by sifting out the less reputable brands and rating premium reputable brands so you can choose with confidence and start shifting those unwanted pounds of fat safely, quickly and with masses of energy.

Best Keto BHB Pills

Bulk Supplements are a 5 STAR business and it’s no wonder. Be aware that this is in powder form and it’s great as a mixer. Learn More Via Their Website HERE.


Shark Tank Keto-Disgusting Discovery

Thousands of people are raving about shark tank keto weight loss supplements but if you researched deep into the shark tank keto diet like I did, you will be disgusted at what you DO NOT find. But why is this disgusting?

If you typed into google ‘shark tank weight loss pills’ or ‘keto pills as seen on shark tank’ you will find weight loss pills for sure, but if you dig deeper into your research you will be horrified and sickened by what you will discover…

Keto Pills Shark Tank-Huge Backlash

There are numerous marketers claiming that celebrity entrepreneurs have endorsed ‘keto pills as seen on shark tank’ but have you ever found any evidence that the celebrities on the show endorsed keto pills from shark tank?

There was a huge backlash from at least 2 celebrity entrepreneurs claiming that they have basically had their identity stolen. This is because crooked lazy marketers have been promoting weight loss supplements and using celebrities’ names as a way to dishonestly promote the sale of weight loss supplements and make money.

keto bhb reviews

Keto Pure Shark Tank

Never has ‘keto pure’ or any other keto pill been promoted or even endorsed by celebrities on the show. Keto pure is actually a real diet pill but you won’t find it here because it didn’t make the cut as in my opinion it didn’t review well.

Beware These Bogus Claims…

Dishonest marketers are claiming the following have appeared or been endorsed by entrepreneurs from shark tank:

  • Shark Tank Keto
  • Keto Pills Shark Tank
  • Keto Boost
  • Keto Pills
  • Keto Slim
  • Shark Tank weight loss pills
  • Keto pills as seen on shark tank
  • Keto pure shark tank
  • Shark Tank Keto Pills Reviews

During my in-depth research I only found one weight loss supplement called ‘Nuts ‘N More Cocoa butter spread’.

Shark Tank Weight Loss

Dishonest marketers don’t just stop at promoting fake keto endorsements. During in-depth research, I found a couple of non-keto shark tank weight loss supplements and despite the false direct claims you will not find any of these products endorsed by shark tank entrepreneurs either:

  • shark tank weight loss drink
  • Shark diet drink (whatever that is?)

Diet Pill Garcinia 

The diet pill Garcinia cambogia is extracted from a tropical fruit also known as the Malabar tamarind. The result is Hydroxycitric acid or HCA. HCA is sold as a popular and effective weight-loss supplement and earns it’s credit as being an effective appetite suppressant.

It can be used on its own or as an ultra-fast keto boost by reducing your cravings for carbohydrates and allowing your body to kick into ketosis easily and very quickly.

Garcinia cambogia comes either as a powder so that you may add it to meals or you can take it in diet pill form for extra convenience.

Pure Garcinia Slim

Since Pure Garcinia Slim was released, there have been many other successful competitors of this unique appetite suppressant that have rocked the weight loss world.

True Garcinia Cambogia Reviews

Here at we’ve been through the tedious but interesting process of researching reviews of countless Garcinia Cambogia products and identified the best.

I wasn’t surprised to find bogus promotional methods used by dishonest marketers as we described in the shark tank bogus claims above. That said we did find some very high quality and reputable brands that have received great reviews

Where to Buy Pure Garcinia Slim

I strongly advise you buy only from official websites because of the potential false advertising you may be victim to on shady third-party platforms. The links here point directly to the official websites of Garcinia Cambogia slim pills.

Invest in what feels right for you. Remember that you need to comply with your keto diet fully but the supplements that you can get will support you through your weight loss journey by suppressing your appetite, boosting your energy and every day you will see progress not just on the scales but when you look in the mirror too.

Don’t continue to suffer the hunger pangs and low energy that a standard keto diet can bring, that’s a dead-end road that makes dieting hard. You deserve to make it easy on yourself.

Keto Diet Pills: Reviews & Scams

Keto Diet Pills And Green Tea Pills For Weight Loss: Read This Article Before You Buy…

Finding a keto diet pill or a green tea pill that you can trust in the USA and Canada is a real problem because they are not regulated. Researching different keto diet pills is painful because of the mixed reviews from doctors, experts, phony experts, unethical advertisers, consumers and keto diet pill companies. The frustration and anxiety that this confusion causes makes weight loss complicated and harder than it should be.

  1. Can Keto Work For Anybody?
  2. Do I Need To Take Keto Diet Pills?
  3. Best Keto Diet Pills
  4. What do Keto Diet Pills Do?
  5. Green Tea Pills Weight Loss Reviews Reveal Massive Benefits!
  6. Green Tea Pills Weight Loss Reviews
  7. Reviews and Side Effects Of Keto Diet Pills
  8. WARNING-Beware Of False Advertising
  9. Diet Pills And Keto Diet Pills On Shark Tank-Debunked!
  10. Keto Diet Pills Reviews-How To Choose One You Can Trust

Can Keto Work For Anybody?

Keto is no longer a fad diet and is considered credible by the mainstream weight loss industry and it should work for anybody. Its just about the quickest most effective diet to date and has been known for reversing type 2 diabetes.

That said, keto can be hard depending on your lifestyle.  Many people that try to lose weight with a keto diet fail because they either have a poor plan or they have no plan at all. Not having a good professional plan will make you fall in and out of ketosis and when this happens, not only will weight loss stall, you can end up with mood swings, low energy and you can actually start to gain weight.

green tea pills weight loss reviews

If you’re the type of person that doesn’t have the lifestyle that enables you to follow a plan, you may find that a keto diet pill might just be the answer to keep you losing weight consistently.

Nowadays a keto diet does not have to be hard, not when there are keto diet pills out that enable ketosis.

Do I Need To Take Keto Diet Pills?

We would all love to be able to lose weight rapidly without a pill but if keto diet pills are safe, natural and have no side effects, is it really so bad?

Here at we’ve researched customer reviews to find the best Keto and Green Tea products and conducted an in-depth analysis into their benefits so that your weight loss is all but guaranteed and you can start burning fat in only a couple of days.

Best Keto Diet Pills

I couldn’t find any issues out of the ordinary with these Top brands and most of the consumer reviews revealed a staggering amount of weight loss. If you take them as directed you should experience a massive energy boost and go into ketosis fast with extraordinary fat loss.

Click below to go directly to their websites.

What do Keto Diet Pills Do?

Just like a low-carb diet, keto diet pills increase the level of ketones in the blood and they contain a key ingredient called medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) which is a type of saturated fat found in coconut oil and palm oil. Your body will burn fat in your body instead of carbohydrates. You can lose weight with keto diet pills alone but not as much as when you combine them with a good keto diet plan.

Green Tea Pills Weight Loss Reviews Reveal Massive Benefits!

Green tea comes in pill or powder form. Before we look at ‘green tea pills weight loss reviews’ let’s look at some of the massive benefits:

    1. Weight Loss. It increases your metabolic rate enabling you to burn fat faster
    2. Antioxidant. It will encourage your body to get rid of toxins increasing your body’s efficiency
    3. Anti-Inflammatory. It has evidence of improving the condition of your skin, reducing irritation, redness, and swelling. Weight loss alone will do that for you.
    4. Energy Booster. It naturally contains caffeine so it’s a natural stimulant
    5. Healthier Liver. Can help lipid metabolism and have therapeutic and preventative effects on your liver.
    6. Healthier Heart. A study found that you are 26% less likely to suffer from heart disease because it reduces your cholesterol and blood pressure
    7. Promotes Brain Health. L-theanine and caffeine boost memory and attention
    8. Aids Workout Recovery. Reduces muscle soreness, inflammation and oxidative stress

Green Tea Pills Weight Loss Reviews

Green tea pills and other green tea products have remarkable weight loss reviews and were analyzed for proof them being a good product, reputation and customer service. The top 2 are listed below.

  1. Maximum Slim Advance Green Tea Pills. Their website is definitely worth a visit, even if just for the education on what is available to you and their products are tasty. You can get green tea pills and many other natural and tasty formulas such as cocoa for weight loss.
    keto diet pills
  2. Bulk Supplements Green Tea Extract. Although this is in powder and not pill form, we needed to highlight this weight loss supplement because of its naturally high polyphenol content. Polyphenol stimulates thermogenesis and energy expenditure speeding up the calorie-burning process and it also decreases appetite. Their green tea weight loss customer reviews were first class!
    green tea pills weight loss reviews

Reviews and Side Effects Of Keto Diet Pills

Most Keto Diet Pills have mixed reviews but generally, they are positive. They either work amazingly well with many reports of incredibly fast weight loss or reviews of no weight loss at all.

Why Are There Negative Reviews Of Keto Diet Pills?

It’s unusual and difficult to diagnose why keto diet pills work fantastic for some but can make no difference at all for others. Part of the reason will be that some people simply don’t have a keto diet plan or they are not conforming to their diet plan. The fact is that if you consume too many carbohydrates, the keto diet pills will not work as well.

Will I Experience Negative Side Effects?

Not necessarily, it seems subjective. A minority of people report that they get palpitations or feel nauseous but most report no negative side effects at all. The fact is that when someone changes their lifestyle, they will experience side effects because your body has to readjust.

Will I Experience Positive Side Effects?

Apart from the obvious loss of fat, Keto Diet Pills are designed to increase your energy because it can be hard to be energetic when getting used to life without carbs. Most people report an increase in energy and mental focus.

How Long Before I Lose Weight?

It can take up to 7 days for your body to move into ketosis. Once ketosis is reached you can expect to lose up to 1 pound of fat per day or over 2 stones each month. That said, KetoFit Pro boasts a loss of 15 pounds in the first week and when you consider that they are doing a Free Trial of 1 bottle, which is 1 month supply, what have you got to lose?

WARNING-Beware Of False Advertising

There’s nothing worse than buying a bogus Keto Diet Pill or realizing that the ad or review that supported it was falsified or it doesn’t work. An Ad played on your emotions and fooled you into buying it. This is downright unethical and they shouldn’t be able to get away with it but unfortunately many do.

Don’t let this put you off though, read product reviews intelligently and this entire blog to get the confidence and trust that you are can get the right product safely and here at, we’re going to show you how.

Let’s boost your wisdom and take a look at the infamous shark tank weight loss pill controversy example and then guide you through a sure-fire process to get what you need.

Diet Pills And Keto Diet Pills On Shark Tank-Debunked!

People wanting to lose weight are searching these exact terms in google every day: “shark tank weight loss pill”, “keto weight loss pills on shark tank” and “keto shark tank reviews”. Why are they so popular?

The problem is that they’ve been led to believe that Shark Tank has played its part in endorsing a keto diet pill…

Shark Tank Weight Loss Pill-FALSE

The Shark tank weight loss pill has been floating around for years and many people have been duped into buying them. Of all the weight loss products that appeared on shark tank, weight loss pills are not one of them. You can see all of the products that have appeared on the show here but sorry, there isn’t a shark tank weight loss pill.

Keto Weight Loss Pill On Shark Tank-FALSE

Keto diet pills are used to support a keto diet and are designed mainly as appetite suppressants. However, if you were to google search you will find that there has never been a keto weight loss pill on shark tank. Entrepreneur Lori Greiner was advertised as having endorsed a shark tank weight loss pill which is also a false claim. There has never been a shark tank weight loss pill.

Keto Shark Tank Reviews-FALSE

Advertisers are boosting their sales based on keto shark tank reviews that do not exist. Keto shark tank reviews can be found on social media and websites promoting keto diet pills but again people are duped into these false claims. Why do they make false claims? Find out why selfish unethical advertisers do this here.

shark tank weight loss pills

Keto Diet Pills Reviews-How To Choose One You Can Trust

Use a credit card and not a debit card

Federal law gives you more consumer protection with a credit card so if you are overcharged shipping costs or there was a financial mistake during the transaction it can be very difficult to be refunded with a debit card.

Read the small print

Some keto diet pill companies may offer risk-free purchasing but there will be terms and conditions. For example, you may not like the product after 3 days but the T’s & C’s may stipulate a 30-day window before a refund can be considered.

Customer Service

Read customer service reviews and make sure that there are plenty of positive reviews.

Buy From The Keto Diet Pill Website

Get the original product from company-branded websites to avoid potential fakes, this will provide certainty and confidence that you have the original keto diet pills.

Read Customer Reviews

Critical thinking is important with reviews. Some people will report no weight loss and express disappointment but this could be because the customer didn’t follow their keto plan, ate way too many carbs or they had an unexpected allergic reaction.

Others will report massive weight loss but the more reviews that you see, the more trust you will feel.

Consult With Your Doctor

I believe that Keto Diet Pills are not dangerous per se because they are usually all-natural but I am not a doctor.

I think that health risks with overweight people are greater than not doing anything at all but it’s worth checking with your doctor to give yourself peace of mind.

Do This To Guarantee Significant Weight Loss

Doing keto alone without a plan asks a lot of your willpower and if you don;t have a supporting supplement, it’s a struggle. But if you want to make keto easy and have bags of energy and willpower, why not invest in your weight loss journey and make rapid weight loss all but guaranteed?

And remember, don’t buy a keto diet pill based on false advertising like the shark tank weight loss pill or be duped into believing fake shark tank weight loss reviews. Claims like these prey on your emotions but you have to be smart. Read the small print with whatever you choose, read customer reviews intelligently and follow the tips here to have confidence that you are buying good safe products.

Shark Tank Keto Diet: Are We Being Conned?

Shark Tank Keto Diet: Debunked

Weight loss products are a minefield and you could easily be conned. Many false advertisers are claiming that a shark tank keto diet exists and they’re selling diet pills to people like you and me on the back of those claims.

shark tank keto scam

Before we address the shark tank weight loss products, let’s take a look at these compelling alternatives to the shark tank keto diet. Some of which actually have been endorsed by significant figures.

  1. Shark Tank Keto Diet-Real Alternatives That Work
  2. Has There Been Any Shark Tank Weight Loss Products?
  3. Keto Weight Loss Product Comparison
  4. Do The Alternative Keto Diet Pills Really Work?
  5. How Quickly Will I Get Results?
  6. Pro’s & Con’s Of Keto Diet Pills
  7. Where Can I Buy The Ethically Advertised Keto Diet Pills?

Shark Tank Keto Diet-Real Alternatives That Work


This comes in at number 1 because of the reviews and the copious amount of supporting material. It contains a highly effective appetite suppressant and significantly increases the rate of your metabolism enabling you to burn fat at a faster rate. The Free bonus material is worth the cost of the product alone. Click HERE to Visit the Website.

shark tank keto diet


Unlike some keto diet pill this is a 100% natural product boasting fat loss of 15 POUNDS IN THE FIRST WEEK and it will not cost you a penny. Click HERE To Check It Out.

shark tank diet pills


With a massive but safe dose of 1200mg per serving, you can expect to reach ketosis fast and effectively. This alternative to the shark tank keto diet pills can get you losing up to 1 pound of fat per day. Drastic changes are expected in a very short period of time.

This shark tank keto diet alternative outperformed more expensive competitors and with prices shockingly low you would be crazy not to check them out. Visit the Website HERE.

shark tank diet pills

Has There Been Any Shark Tank Weight Loss Products?

Yes there has but there has never been any keto diet pills. Genuine shark tank weight loss products exist but not a specific keto diet. There has been keto products on the British entrepreneurial show ‘Dragons’ Den’ that was initially claimed as a shark tank weight loss product.

It seems there are plenty of people hanging onto the coattails of a shark tank keto diet episode that never happened.

Shark Tank Keto Scam?

It’s not really a scam, it’s more misinformation or false representation. For it to be a scam would mean that the falsely advertised ‘shark tank diet pills’ don’t actually work.

The truth is many of the falsely advertised ‘shark tank weight loss products will actually work, but who wants to be sold on lies…

So Why Do Advertisers Use ‘Shark Tank’ In Their Words?

Using words like shark tank keto diet, shark tank weight loss products or shark tank diet pills has more punching power and advertiser are likely to make more money.

How Did The Shark Tank Keto Diet Become A Thing?

Shark tank diet pills probably started off as a misunderstanding that a shark tank keto diet existed. Then it seems to have snowballed and advertisers are unethically claiming that you can get shark tank weight loss products or shark tank diet pills.

Why Are Advertisers Claiming To Sell Shark Tank Weight Loss Products?

I know many ethical, honest advertisers but a minority are giving all Advertisers a bad reputation. When (if) you get trained as an Advertiser or Marketer, your goal is to do your job ethically and put the customer’s needs first.

Never put yourself and your pockets first, making false claims that shark tank diet pills exist or any other false claims for that matter will ultimately fail and it’s not acceptable.

shark tank diet pills

Shark Tank Diet Pills: What The Entrepreneurs Say…

Basically, they’ve seen the internet become overrun with advertisements featuring products like the shark tank keto diet allegedly endorsed by entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs put their money where their mouth is and more importantly, they put their reputation on the line.

Alleged shark tank weight loss products probably don’t need endorsement anyway because keto is reputed to work very effectively so why would you give some of your business away.

Can I Get Real Alternatives To The Falsely Claimed Shark Tank Diet Pills?

There are highly effective alternatives to the shark tank keto diet that make the traditional ways of dieting seem redundant.

People want weight loss results now, not after 12 months of calorie counting and spending hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars on a personal trainer and endless hours in the gym with time they don’t have. Old ways of dieting and weight loss can be expensive and unsustainable so keto is a massive breakthrough.

Keto Weight Loss Product Comparison

There are 5 highly effective alternatives to the falsely advertised shark tank weight loss products and each of them is not just an effective weight loss pill. These alternatives to the shark tank keto diet pills also boast other positive side effects:

Do The Alternative Keto Diet Pills Really Work?

Yes provided you stick to a well-thought-out keto diet plan, there is no reason why they shouldn’t work. If you consume too many simple carbohydrates every day, you may not get results.

If you reduce carbohydrates as a keto diet advises, then there can be no other outcome than to lose weight. Fat will be the only thing your body can use to give you energy so the fat will get burned.

How Quickly Will I Get Results?

It seems to depend on the individual. Some report weight loss in the first week, some have reported weight loss after a couple of weeks and some have reported no weight loss at all. If you don’t experience weight loss it would be wise to revise your diet plan instead of quickly rushing to blame the weight loss product.

Our bodies are complex, unique and our metabolism plays a role. It’s worth remembering that if you don’t feed yourself bad carbs, your body must burn fat to give you energy because there is nothing else to burn. Stick to the plan and you will get results, even if you need to be a little patient.

Why Traditional Dieting Is Becoming Redundant

Frustrating. The traditional ways of dieting are frustrating. Counting every calorie for months on end and not getting the results you hoped for makes it easy for you to fall off the wagon.

Statistically, you have a 20% chance of succeeding with long-term weight loss. Bear in mind that this statistic includes people that:

  1. Expect too much too soon so they give up
  2. They don’t stick to the diet plan and keep practicing the same old bad habits
  3. Don’t set goals so their motivation is incredibly low
  4. Often people reach their target weight but they have no other long-term goals to keep propelling them forwards. Usually, when this happens the weight is put back on with a little extra.
  5.  Find that their weight loss does not work right away so the diet is blamed instead of looking within and identifying where improvements can be made

Difficult. With traditional dieting you are likely to suffer with cravings for carbohydrates, cheat days, days with low willpower, and uninspiring meals not to mention the low energy levels and reduced ability to focus on routine tasks.

No Time. Having time for the gym and dieting is not as easy as it used to be. People are busy juggling parenting with a career, both of which are highly demanding, and it’s becoming harder every year to try and maintain a healthy weight.

Gym memberships and personal trainers are getting more expensive just like everything else but being overweight is terrible for self-esteem and often leads to depression.

Fortunately, there are safe and highly effective ‘ethically advertised’ alternatives to weight loss other than the alleged shark tank diet pills that have you stripping fat very quickly.

Pro’s & Con’s Of Keto Diet Pills

Alternative Keto Diet Pills Pro’s

  • Increased mental clarity
  • Most are made with 100% Natural ingredients
  • Products can be returned if you’re unsatisfied
  • A massive increase of energy in spite of reduced carbohydrates
  • Appetite Suppressant keeping you in ketosis and burning fat

Alternative Keto Diet Pills Con’s

  • Although these products are proven to significantly reduce weight loss, not everyone will experience overwhelming results at the start
  • Some reports of side effects such as unpleasant breath owing to the ketosis process but it’s a considerably small price to pay for massive fat loss
  • If you are pregnant, nursing, taking prescribed medication, or have a history of heart conditions it is recommended you speak with your doctor/physician
  • Should only be used as a booster. For long-term weight loss a diet plan and lifestyle change are required

Do Keto Diet Pills Get Bad Reviews?

Every competitive product on the market has both good and bad reviews but you must not allow this or unethical advertisers put you off. Even the hottest Ferarri in the world will get bad reviews.

shark tank diet pills

Remember that many negative reviews will consist of people that consume way too many carbohydrates and they’re asking the pill to do too much work. When reading reviews, you must do so intelligently and question why the reviews are negative or positive.

You may read that diet pills have negative side effects but remember that there are side effects to every course of action we take in our lives, particularly when we change what we eat or we change what we do physically.

Where Can I Buy The Ethically Advertised Keto Diet Pills?

It is strongly recommended that you visit official sites to ensure you get the legitimate product and check their webpage to see if it’s being advertised ethically. These ones have been checked here:


This diet pill was developed purely to speed up your metabolism but has many other benefits. It can work without a strict diet but it’s advised you follow a good plan to ensure you get all of the nutrition your body needs. It also supports cardiovascular health. It comes with 3 FREE bonus materials to support you on your weight loss journey.

Click HERE to Visit the Website.


With an expected weight loss of 15 pounds in the first WEEK, these keto diet pills stabilize your appetite with drastic changes expected in a very short period of time.

This shark tank keto diet alternative reemerged onto the market and it has hit the ground running. It is outperforming more expensive competitors and is featured in various high-end lifestyle magazines, boosting its credibility.

Click HERE To Visit the Website.


Contains a highly effective appetite suppressant which means your calorie intake will be reduced significantly and you reach ketosis quickly and rapidly burning body fat rather than carbohydrates. The range of weight loss ingredients with this brand is huge, natural and designed to release and dispose of fat effectively.

Visit the Website HERE.