True Garcinia Cambogia For Weight Loss, Does It Work?

Here at, we’re gonna reveal the reasons why this revolutionary natural supplement called true garcinia cambogia pills has made an overwhelming impact on people that suffer with weight gain.

First we’re gonna show you how the best Garcinia Cambogia supplements work to reduce your body fat, second, we’re going to reveal the power it can give you to control your food portion size.

Third, you’re going to discover how it will improve your health in ways you would not expect.

There are a lot of food supplements available on the market that claims to help you lose weight naturally. But very few actually work. But in the last few years, a fruit named Garcinia Cambogia has created quite a buzz among people who are looking for natural methods and products for weight loss.

However, it should be noted that no products, no matter how expensive it is can help you lose weight until you follow a strict diet and/or an exercise routine on a regular basis. Food supplements can act as a catalyst to boost your metabolism rate and promote weight loss only if you do proper exercise and diet.


Also known as Malabar tamarind or Garcinia gummi-gutta, this particular small fruit resembles something between a tomato and a pumpkin. A native to India, Garcinia Cambogia is exported to several parts of South East Asia & other parts of the world.

true garcinia cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia or Malabar tamarind contains a good portion of hydroxy citric acid or HCA, an ingredient that promotes weight loss. The fruit is not consumed directly in its original form, rather the HCA ingredient is used in products and pills in a powdered form. Certain pills and products consisting of HCA are available both in drug stores and the online market.


Various brands have claimed the multiple uses of this fruit & its extracts. The claims might range from mild to severe depending on the brand and its products, but the real question is does it really work?

Primarily Garcinia Cambogia is marketed worldwide as a natural weight loss product that promotes weight loss naturally without any side effects or much effort. Some brands claim that without the help of any exercise or diet routine one can also lose weight just by taking the product. Is this possible?

Well, it is true that hydroxy citric acid actually promotes weight loss by boosting your metabolism and helping you burn more fat naturally. But according to research and trials, it has been found that the result might vary from person to person.

Every person’s body mechanism is different and so are their genes. Therefore no particular product can have the same effects on every human being. While some trials have shown amazing results by the use of HCA, some did not show much effect. In a nutshell, it works but not for everybody.


If you combine taking true Garcinia Cambogia with a high fiber diet, you will be able to lose weight to a great extent. People who take the HCA supplement with a low fat & high carbohydrate diet can achieve great weight loss results.

Though marketers claim that HCA directly promotes weight loss without the help of any diet, the reality is without a proper diet HCA won’t promote as much weight loss.


While brands claim that the HCA extract of the fruit helps to promote weight loss, let us focus on what it does to your body. Here are the lists of benefits one might gain from consuming HCA-containing products:


Your appetite plays a great role in weight loss. Studies have shown that people who were given the fruit supplement tend to eat a smaller amount compared to their usual portion. Also, the supplement might suppress the appetite of a person and a reduced appetite will definitely promote weight loss. The less you eat the more weight you will lose.


The supplement might impact blood fat & reduce fatty acid production in the body. According to several animal and human studies it has been found that Garcinia Cambogia lowers fat levels in the blood & reduces the production of oxidative stress.

Other studies also claimed that the supplement subsequently has reduced the accumulation of a high amount of belly fat. Certain studies have also claimed that it also reduces cholesterol levels in the body by 6.3%.

hca pills


This particular weight loss supplement is also marketed as a product that can improve your athletic performance. HCA often increases endurance levels in the body during workout sessions and reduces the exhaustion level. So if you take HCA pills you can work out for longer hours without getting exhausted very quickly.

Every effect of the supplement mentioned above varies from individual to individual.

Some other benefits offered by the supplement include:

  1. Decreasing the level of leptin in the body.
  2. Decreasing the level of insulin in the body.
  3. Improving and controlling the blood sugar level in the body.
  4. In certain cases, it also helps to reduce inflammation.
  5. It increases insulin sensitivity in certain people.
  6. Boosts the digestive system. In certain animal studies, it has been found that the product also protects stomach ulcers & reduces any damage to the inner lining.

However all these effects stills need to be studied further to get to a concrete conclusion. Therefore at present, it is not advised for patients with diabetes and cholesterol to use this supplement as there are no proven results. Also, diabetic people should strictly avoid this supplement as it can reduce their blood sugar levels to damaging low levels.


Some of the common side effects seen in different people may include headache, skin rash, nausea, digestive issues, a drastic drop in blood sugar level and common cold symptoms.

Few products containing HCA can also cause liver damage. Therefore one should always consult a doctor before taking Garcinia Cambogia supplements.


No matter what weight loss supplement you take, there is nothing better than exercise and a proper diet. If you want to boost your weight loss journey and increase your metabolism rate, you can definitely try Garcinia Cambogia supplements but in moderate quantity.